J. Blake Williams PFP
Insurance Advisor
For over 30 years, J. Blake Williams has been assisting clients create wealth for this generation and the next. As a trusted financial advisor, Blake has spent the last three decades building a strong practice that has successfully helped hundreds of clients achieve their financial goals.
Blake had the good fortune of meeting his mentor, Michael Lee Chin, while attending McMaster University and eventually worked with him at Berkshire Securities early in his career. In 2013, Blake re-joined Michael at Mandeville Private Client Inc. as a founding advisor. Blake has found his passion of helping families create wealth and after three decades in the industry this passion has not waned, but only intensified.
Blake lives in the Niagara region with his wife Colleen and enjoys an active lifestyle of weight training and biking. Blake is actively involved in his church, Teen Challenge (an addiction recovery centre) and missionary work in Jamaica.